My mom’s baby steps in cyber space.

The times when a computer belonged to the whole family although the name suggested a Personal one, that’s when we bought ‘our’ first desktop.

I and my father used to hang a lot around the PC. He would draw comics and I would do typical teenage frivolous stuff while helping each other through the whole charade. Occasionally, l would ask my mum to learn a thing or two about our new love but she would always dodge us by saying that what was rush about.

The technology which was a young bird had already taken the big flight ,alongside the spring of internet had bloomed as well. In the following years, we bought smartphones to laptops and tablets but my mum was content with her push-button cell phone with the akin thought in her head.

As time would had it, my brother and I eventually moved out of our home and sort of from our parents’ lives too. My mum then realized how important it was to maneuver those funky gadgets to stay connected and relevant in our lives. But it was hemmed in realization only .The daddy dearest was always there to tend to those jaded nerves by religiously signing into hangout account for her.

Around two years back, when our daughter was born and the WhatsApp had flushed even through the creepiest aunties of neighborhood, my mum finally bought her first smartphone. Perhaps to stay connected with her grand daughter or perhaps to soothe her bruised pride off that murky phone.

Working that phone was another conundrum but she souped up. As a matter of fact, she learnt to run laptop, made a few accounts here and there. Today, she follows our Facebook updates together with a tab on my brother and myself by checking our last seen on WhatsApp. Every so often, she shares videos,links, pictures and sentimental messages laden with crying emoji.

When i shared the draft of this vignette with her, she was all emotional that how closely i heeded her transit about a tiny detail of her life.Also,it is so heartwarming that she learnt so much essentially by herself .

While i go and attend my mum’s phone call,please tell your mommy how much you love her,admire her and appreciate her presence in your life.

Good day my lovelies.

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